hello wellcome guy's Again to come new project so guys this project is comtact management create using python so guys last time we will see that how to create Library mangement using python so guys today is discuss contact managrment simple python programming Let's star:::::::- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• print("•••••WELCOME TO CANTACT•••••\n") name = [] number = [] def contact(): lis = 1 list = int(input("how many save number of line :")) for i in range(0,list): for j in range(0,lis): n = input(f"{lis}.Name:") k = int(input(f"{lis}.Phone number:")) number.append(k) name.append(n) print("\n••••••••••••••••••\n") for q,a in zip(name,number): print("\n{0}:: {1}.\n".format(q,a)) contact()# this is function calling def choice(): while True: print("•••••••Choose Your Choice•••••\n") print("1.Add a new contact") p...